my blah blah blog
Saturday, May 28, 2005

speaking out one's mind

as expected, i had one hell of a boring training on business correspondence (in other words, grammar and writing) this week. my mind spinned when i would hear earsplitting statements like "the boy walk his dog," "the girl didn't studied for the exam," "he has rode on her bike" and "she did not provide insufficient evidence." is subject-verb agreement too tough? is redundancy as unavoidable as the heavy traffic around metro manila? weren't we asked to memorize the past participle forms of irregular verbs in grade school? weren't we taught to rephrase statements with double negation?

and so i was extremely bored. the trainer told me i shouldn't have been there in the first place. unfortunately, everyone in our company is required to attend that training like the advance speech course. i know our company has budget for that, but wouldn't it be more practical to conduct an aptitude test first and exempt all those who would pass to cut down costs?

however, i learned something worthy. the trainer told us that whenever we write something to a person, we should think first if we could say it directly to him or her. true! why hide behind written words? i think this is similar to gossiping and backbiting. if one really means what he or she has in mind, why not say it out loud? as how the trainer put it, "that's cowardice... and courage is more appreciated."

i am paranoid. i even had a reputation of being such in high school. well, actually it's not really paranoia. i know many will agree that sometimes a person can really sense that people are talking behind his or her back. in my case, i can certainly sense it, and i've proven it most of the time. i know it's been a while that some people are talking behind my back. worse, i know that they have been bad-mouthing me. i pity them because they don't have enough self-esteem to confront me. are they cowards? i dunno, but by the way they are acting, it seems that they are indeed.

i am sad. i know that i am misconstrued by those people. is it because i am very vocal of my thoughts? is it because i am a brat? is it because of...? (i'd rather not say because those people might misinterpret it again and only a few people would understand where that question is coming from.) but it's the way i am. it's the way i was brought up. at least i am being myself, and not being pretentious.

it's so ironic that no matter how some people have so much similarities, they're differences would still emerge.

posted by cho at 5/28/2005 12:30:00 AM
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Friday, May 27, 2005


i think i used this word around fifty times after i had my hair color early this afternoon. why? because i spent P3,000 for it!!! HARSH! i didn't know that it's that expensive! i knew that a basic hair color costs P1,500 in the salon where i regularly go to (studio 546), but i was expecting that it would only be an additional P300-P500 for the highlights. but no! it's P1,300!!! of course i had to give tip; thus, P3000. HARSH! i could've had two basic hair color with that amount of money. my only consolation is that it looks really good. although the highlights are not that visible. HARSH!

a few hours after, rich sent me an SMS saying he's in the heart center where he rushed his dad straight from his 24-hour hospital duty. apparently, his dad got dizzy then threw up. in doctor rich's words, his dad had a "generalized body weakness and malaise." however, they are still waiting for the CT scan results. good thing his dad is stable now.

on rich's SMS, he used "harsh" at the end of his message. this made me think.... and i felt guilty. all the while, i had been whining when something more grave had been happening at the other side of the metro. my concern was so petty compared to the intensity of rich's dilemma.

hence, i just accepted what i was complaining about. nonetheless, it's still HARSH! at the lowest degree, that is. hehehe!

oh, last count: around 55 times. hahaha! =)

posted by cho at 5/27/2005 10:48:00 PM
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Thursday, May 26, 2005


you might be wondering, "why vespiary?" well, when i was creating this blog, all the words i've coined for the blog address were unavailable. so i tried words from my vocabulary. however, nothing would still work. grrr!!! i then had to dig up words from my trivia cache. thus, vespiary! finally i had thought of something that blogger would accept! gosh! i think it took me around thirty tries before i completed the registration. boy, was it such an endeavor!

for the benefit of those who don't know what a vespiary is.... if bees and butterflies have apiaries and ants have formicaries, wasps have vespiaries. i'm assuming that this analogy is clear enough that i don't have to explain further. if you still don't get what it means, go buy a brain honey!

hmmm.... come to think of it, i'm kinda like a wasp. harmless if left alone; but once provoked, i could give a very poisonous sting. so in a way, this blog address is quite appropriate.

oh, it's time for me to fly back to my hive. bbbbbbbbbbzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!

posted by cho at 5/26/2005 05:59:00 PM
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Thursday, May 19, 2005

what a job!?!?

holy crap! it's been nine and a half-months since i've started working for this company! gosh, i'm way past my due! that's more than the total months of stay in my two previous companies combined!

hmmm, i think i should start writing my resignation letter.... nah! i won't trade this job with anything else in the world (well, for the meantime.... hehehe!) why? because i have flexible hours, which is perfect since i have a notorious reputation on poor attendance and punctuality. (ask my college blockmates - hehehe!) only, i have to work on night shift because i am under an american team. however, this actually works fine with me, being a nocturnal bird that i am.

breaks! now this is so cool, let me tell you about it. since i have flexi-time, my lunchtime can extend up to two hours, or even up to two hours and a half! moreover, i have two 15-minute breaks, which i make 30 minutes long. hahaha! not to mention my yosi breaks that may take up to 15 minutes each. so all in all, that brings me down to only around five to six hours of work time every night - if i'm in the mood to work, that is. hehehe!

well, usually i'm not in the mood to work; and since my immediate superior is in the states, i have the liberty to do anything i want here. translation: web surfing, chatting, watching movies and tv series, downloading stuff, napping, and doing other things not work-related just to kill time. hahaha!

oh, oh, oh! the best part is we get to travel to the states yearly; and if i play my cards right, i might qualify for the yearly travel to the caribbean!

oh, and yeah, the pay's not that bad either. hehehe!

so i guess i'll be staying in this company for quite sometime then.

gee! i think it's time for yosi break.... =)

posted by cho at 5/19/2005 10:44:00 PM
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

three-day training

i've undergone training for the past three days, and it finally culminated today. what training? Advanced Speech. DUH!!! me?!?! grrr.... it's not as if i needed it! i could've done without it. apparently, everyone in our company is required to attend that training so nobody's excused. well, who am i to complain? i didn't have to work for three whole days, and i'm getting paid for it. lovely!

gosh! the insipidly painstaking things i had to go through during the training.... argh!

a. had to count from 16 to 20 in an orgasmic way. of course, i had no problems pulling it off.

b. had to listen to people with p-f, th and b-v problems. god, were they so consistent!

c. had to come up with an advertisement for a product, which i extremely believe in. so what product did i present? CONDOM! awesome!

d. had to listen to people with the worst diction and sentence structure. boy, i felt so nauseous with their poor syntax, it almost made me throw up!

e. had to answer questions like "if you were a super hero, who would you be and why?" and "when did you learn about the birds and bees?" and yes, being the pervert that i am, most of my answers were double-entendre with sexual innuendos. hehehe!

f. had to debate with people whose arguments are shooting all over the place. i was designated to close the debate for our team, and my counterpart from the opposing team happened be a lasallian. guess who was more convincing, and was commended for a very good job.... of course, the atenean! hehehe!

gosh, how thankful was i when the trainer dismissed us. the training had finally ended after three, long, excruciating days. but you know what? i actually had fun, come to think of it. you say, "huh?!?!" well, yes, i may be whining but i did have fun. i am ranting because i had to attend such a training course. however, as a whole, the experience wasn't that bad at all, and it was, indeed, fun.

darn, i just remembered. i have to attend another training course next week - Business Correspondence. crap!

posted by cho at 5/18/2005 06:51:00 PM
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my first (and last?) entry

gosh! i actually created my own blog when i vowed not to! so me! hehehe! i was reading through jem's blog entries last night when i suddenly decided that i should come up with my own. inggitera! wahahaha! well, come to think of it, this is a very convenient medium (since all i do is surf all night at work lang naman) where i could convey my thoughts, and let people who care know what's been happening to my ever-so-mundane-wish-it-was-more-exciting life. i was just chatting with rich (my best friend, i think - hehehe!) and told him about this. being fickle that i am, he said, "baka ningas cogon nanaman yan...." dunno, but now i've firmly decided to have one. i just don't know if i'd be as determined to log in entries tomorrow or the succeeding days. hmmm, let's just see what happens. hahaha! cheers!

posted by cho at 5/18/2005 05:34:00 PM
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Moi Moi Moi

Name: cho
Location: asgard

About Me

i'm kinda narcissistic so i'd say i'm cute. hehehe!!! =) but then, to each his own; so if you don't find me one, BAH! heheheh!!! =) at first glance, you might find me timid but all you need to do is locate the button that triggers my hyperactivity, and i'd certainly be as buoyant as a bubble. once you've decided to press that button, be sure though that you have a very long string of patience; and be ready when i deliver my litany of blah-blahs for i'd go yakkity-yak-yak like there's no tomorrow - loquacity personified. on the other hand, some might find me bitchy. truth is... i am. hehehe!!! =) nonetheless, i may be bitchy but i am also a relatively nice person. yes, bitchy and nice are oxymoronic, and it sounds ironic; but this combination is indeed possible, and i am an epitome of such. of course, this is just how i perceive myself. some people might agree but others may think otherwise. yet again, to each his own.... =)


May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007

You Gotta Go


Break It To Me

[ Your thoughts please ]

"Sometimes you get tempted to make something wonderful even better; but in doing so, you lose what was so wonderful to begin with."
- Everything in a Pancake

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